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Owned + Operated
Paul Bassett
Former World Barista Champion Paul Bassett helped pioneer the growth of the specialty coffee movement in Australia.
Bassett Espresso is a reflection of my life's journey with coffee to this moment. A philosophy that has come about from a desire to understand coffee's intricacies and a passion to realise and express its potential.
Paul Bassett
Former World Barista Champion Paul Bassett helped pioneer the growth of the specialty coffee movement in Australia.
Single Provenance Coffee of the Week
The beauty of experiencing single provenance coffee is its ability to connect you to its sense of place. It allows you to appreciate the terroir and people who have nurtured the coffee during its journey to the cup.
Shop NowSingle Provenance Coffee of the Week
The beauty of experiencing single provenance coffee is its ability...
Didn't think you could get a barista quality coffee in a capsule? Well now you can.
Over 4 years, Australia's original world barista champion Paul Bassett has crafted the perfect barista coffee sensory experience in Nespresso® compatible capsule form. What are you waiting for? Give it a try today!
Didn't think you could get a barista quality coffee in...
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